
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Signs a Child May Benefit From Occupational Therapy

Pollen from trees and flowers is known for its potency in lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, and protein. Due to this, it's heavily used as a dietary supplement. You can easily find the pollen in your local stores.

Taking a look at bee pollen

Bee pollen is one of the most popular types of pollen that you will find in the market. From its name, it's obtained from bees. It's obtained when the bees visit flowers to collect nectar. Some of the people brush it off the legs of the bees. The product comes in small golden-colored granules that are sweet to taste.

Due to the many benefits found in the product, it can be used in different areas. According to experts, the product can be used in weight control. Lecithin, found in the pollen flushes fat from the body and also protects the body from bad cholesterol. The pollen has also been found to control cravings thus you don't eat unhealthy foods. Since the product is rich in flavonoid rutin, it plays a vital role in strengthening the walls of the blood vessels. This improves blood circulation and also keeps your heart in great shape.

How to take the pollen

Unless you are highly skilled in collecting the pollen, you have to buy the product from your local store. Before you take the product you should first take your time to research the origin of the pollen. While most of the companies don't specify the exact tree or flower they get the product, there are a few that do state it. To be on the safe side you should go for the products whose origin is specified.

Even if you are unable to tell the exact tree or flower from which it was obtained, it's important to know the area that it was obtained. This will give you an idea of whether the product is intoxicated or not. Regardless of how fast you want to achieve results, you shouldn't take the entire packet all at once. The best way of going about it is to take small doses.
But sometimes it can seem that the longer we are with someone, the more hurdles we come up against and the further we move in opposite directions.Before too long, it becomes all too easy for outside sources of stress to pervade our happy bubble, and what were initially resolvable quarrels become potential deal-breakers.

Tension within a partnership can arise due to a multitude of factors. Some can be external - such as the loss of a job or the illness of a loved one, whereas others can come about due to problems within the union itself - for example, conflicting feelings about having children, or one or more partner being unfaithful.

Sometimes a conflict can seem small at first, so we brush it under the carpet in the hope that it won't resurface. But more often than not, issues that go unaddressed will manifest themselves subtly in the behaviour of both parties and can eventually cause irreparable damage.

You and your partner may even be fighting for reasons unknown to you both. Perhaps there is a strain on your relationship that's causing you to argue, but you don't know what it is? Talking to someone about your troubles may help you uncover the reasons why you're struggling.

Whether you've been in a relationship with your partner for a matter of months, years or decades, no doubt you'll be faced with conflict from time to time. But even if things are peachy, even the healthiest of couples can benefit from a regular sounding board for their thoughts and feelings.

Most of us will go to friends and family when we need to talk about our problems. But advice from those closes to us can sometimes seem biased or indicative of an ulterior motive - even if it's as innocent as wanting to spend more time with you.

Turning to loved ones when you've had an argument with your significant other could also damage their relationship. Having to explain to your mother or sister that your partner has been unfaithful, for example, can paint them as the bad guy, when in actual fact the circumstances from which infidelity occurs are often more complicated than that.

If you wish to keep your problems private but still feel the need to share them, consulting a licensed relationship or marriage therapist might be the answer. An impartial listener can be the key to getting to the route of a relationship problem and untangle the weeds grown over your previously greener pastures.

Whether it's as simple as learning to appreciate one another again by spending more time as a couple, or as complex as years of undue resentment, distrust or sexual differences, a licensed therapist will be able to help you get back to the roots from which your partnership first flourished.

Therapists can either see you each on a one-to-one basis, or as a couple, and will offer each of you the chance to speak freely without interruption. From there, they will be able to help you address the root of the problem, as well as offering constructive advice on how you can move forwards together.

You and your partner will usually be given the option of attending a private therapy room, or being counselled in the comfort and safety of your own home.

Your session will be undertaken by a qualified therapist, specialising in couple's therapy. Most practitioners employ a range of approaches to find the best fit for each patient. But you don't need to feel daunted - mostly they will just want to sit and chat with you and your spouse and help you work together to resolve your issues. There is no better nurturer than Mother Nature and some of the finest products that are used by people in their daily lives come from nature. One of the reasons why our ancestors lived a far healthier life and were plagued by far less health problems was because of the absence of manufactured products and the use of natural ingredients. From beauty to health, nature is abundant with products that cater to all our needs. Another gift of nature is Ayurveda, a 5000 year old system of natural healing that originated from India and is the most oldest and scared healing science. The word Ayurveda translates to lifespan built on knowledge and that is exactly what it is, knowledge acquired by the ancient people that is very effective in the treatment of various diseases till date. In the present times when medicines are becoming a health problem rather than a boon, more and more people are turning to Ayurvedic medicines for a safer and healthier solution to health problems. There are various reasons why Ayurveda is a better option over allopathic medicines:

Ayurvedic treatment provides a permanent solution: Unlike other medicines that do not fall in tune with the proper requirements of the body and at times are used like crutches by patients, Ayurveda studies the requirement of very person and provides medication accordingly. It does not merely mask the issue but goes to the root cause of the problem and works at eliminating the cause of the disease. This is why it is a more detailed healing system as it requires the careful study of a patient, their physical and emotional characteristics and provides a holistic treatment that encompasses their physical, mental and emotional health.

It is safe and natural: Most medicines are made up of chemical compound that do more damage than good in the long run. Often enough we find that people start to grow dependent on these medications and that wrecks their organs like liver, kidney or heart. With Ayurveda, all these worries can never materialize as being a nature based medication; they have absolutely no side effect and are safe. They can easily be used for a long period of time by anyone without any worries of ill effects that other medicines pose.

Cost effective: Anyone who has had to pay hospital bills in the past few years would know that getting treated for any ailment can burn a large hole in the pocket. Paying the piling bills can be more worrisome than the actual illness itself and can take a toll on the mental health but Ayurveda on the other hand is far less cheap. One can easily use Ayurvedic medicines for a long time without worrying about price.
An occupational therapist assesses and considers various treatments for individuals who struggle with daily living and work skills due to a physical, mental, or cognitive disorder. The primary goal is to assist patients in overcoming daily challenges to achieve an independent life.

Occupational therapy can benefit people of all ages, especially children. The sooner parents notice the warning signs of a child struggling with daily tasks, the easier it will be for the child to develop new skills and cope with their challenges. A parent may notice that their child actively avoids activities that include fine motor skills, as they realize they have difficulty performing certain tasks. An overreaction to certain sounds, smells, and touch, may be a symptom of a sensory issue, and therapy may help a child to cope better. A child may also need assistance if they rarely initiate or engage independently in activities or social groups.

Poor Fine Motor Skills

Parents may notice that their child will avoid certain activities due to their poor fine motor skills and coordination. For example, a child may have issues using scissors, holding and gripping a pencil or crayon, folding paper, or even writing their name. As a result, the child would try to avoid any writing, drawing, or craft-related activities at school. Poor fine motor skills will also affect their ability to hold and manipulate small objects, so a child may also experience frustration while handling some toys, games, or puzzles. It's not limited to activities; a child may also show difficulty with putting on shoes, buttoning a coat, and handling dinner utensils at an age when they should have mastered these tasks.

Poor coordination is another warning sign that children may need occupational therapy. Children may frequently fall or crash into things or people due to their lack of balance. A therapist will guide the child towards techniques that will help them improve their coordination and achieve success in daily life and academics.

Overreaction to Stimuli

Occupational therapy can benefit children who show signs of hypersensitivity to sounds, smells, touch, or tastes. A child that is overreactive to stimuli may have difficulty coping with change or be easily distracted by any sight or sound. Alternately, a child may also underreact to stimuli; for instance, they may show signs of high pain tolerance.

Over or underreactive responses may indicate a condition called Sensory Processing Disorder, in which the brain has trouble receiving sensory information and organizing it into appropriate responses. Many children with this disorder may be able to cope with the overwhelming symptoms with the guidance of an occupational therapist.

Lack of Initiation

Some children struggle with social skills and social interactions, leading to a potentially negative impact on their academic and personal life. Fortunately, social skills can be improved with the help of therapy.
Issues with social interaction go beyond difficulties in engaging with family and peers. A child may also have issues adapting to new environments and situations. Parents may also notice that their child lacks initiation in social groups and interests that are new and involve other peers, choosing to observe from the outside rather than actively participate.

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